Personal essays on the crazy s*it I’ve been through since I quit drinking.

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My intentions:

  • To invite compassionate witnessing from readers

  • To share what I’ve learned living from a heart-led place

  • To invite you to look for the Signs and Coincidences in your life that may be more than accidents

Ultimately, my writing is my attempt to Recover Out Loud. Recovery from abuse or trauma of any kind involves owning Your Story. What you are reading here is mine.

Please note

Each essay is a snapshot of my life at that time.

I may feel differently about the issue now. In most cases, I have forgiven those who hurt me. And I have forgiven myself for the hurt I caused them.

At the same time, relationships are complex. I don’t demonize people for the way they treated me when they were in pain. I just keep my sweet heart intact the best I can, which sometimes means keeping distance from folks. I love some from afar, and others I don’t love at all anymore. Things are fluid and constantly evolving. Please don’t take anything I write here as my Last Word on any topic.

Thank you for reading!

With Love,
